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Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:24 am
by Furba
I'm playing up to 8 tables on Ongame and when im starting a new session anything works fine. But after a while there are shown some wrong stats. When a player leaves the table and a new one takes seat, the stats of the first one are still displayed for a long time. Sometimes a player has completely different stats on different tables.
If I have to open a new table after I've played one or two hours it takes a very long time until the stats on the new table are appearing.
When I stop playing, there are always a lot of hands missing in Poker Tracker, and I have to keep on importing hands. Though I'm not playing at that time, PT imports 5-7 hands every minute and it takes a while till all the missing hands are imported. After a four hour session it takes up to one hour till all hands are imported.

I'm using Poker Tracker 2.17.01i and Poker Ace 1.18.

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:03 am
by ptrack pat
This is an Ongame problem, not PT/PA. Ongame has a severe lagging problem in the time it takes them to write the hand histories and it's worse the more tables you play. That is why PT/PA is not refreshing, because the new hands are not being written fast enough by Ongame. That's why when you stop playing hands keep getting imported as Ongame continues to write the hands.

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:04 am
by Furba
Hmm, that means, that there is nothing I could do? Is there a statement from Ongame and are they working on that problem?

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:52 pm
by ptrack pat
They know it's a problem because numerous users have complained to them. I don't know if they intend to fix the problem or not.

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:54 am
by Keifullstop
I have a similar problem with pokerroom(just to say...thanks pat for solving me the problem of SQL installing:)...)...I have seen that hands are missing no matter what i do (check/ uncheck "Not all my hands are being imported"...ecc...)...And are important hands(that's why i remember it)...It started yesterday when i had problems with postgreSQL (this connection problem... but as i solved as you suggested in the topic from the evening the import was lacking hands...Today is the second time so it is not an isolated casuality...What do i have to do?...Maybe it's a problem of the SQlite dbase of Pokerroom?...I have 10k hands inside that...Do i have to reset it?...

I have pthev2.17.01k...newly reinstalled postgreSQL 8.2.1...Pahud 1.19...Windows XP...

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:57 am
by ptrack pat
PostgreSQL is not the same as SQLite so that issue would have nothing to do with the Ongame stats missing.

Open the Statistics > Show Session Browser window from the Ongame lobby window. Do you see hand #'s there that are not in your PT database?

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:32 pm
by Keifullstop
No pat...I've gone through the hh's on the lobby and it's just the same as pt...Some hands are missing...But i'm sure i've played it!!...

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:41 pm
by ptrack pat
If the hands aren't there then there is nothing PT can do. As I described above, there is a severe lag in the time it takes them to record hands so when you are done playing I suggest you leave the Ongame lobby window open for an hour or so to give it time to catch up.

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:54 am
by Keifullstop
No way i tried to leave the lobby opened for one hour...Nothing...After 2 hours the lobby crashed...Actually on pt i have -75 for the day when i'm about + 200...What to do?...Is there way to insert the hands i remember manually?...thanks...

Re: Problems with stats on Ongame

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:28 pm
by ptrack pat
No there isn't a way to import them manually, you need the hand histories. I don't know what else to tell you, the problem is with Ongame not PT.