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ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 9:04 pm
by oracle3001
I have just updated poker tracker to 2.17.02. Pretty much straight away my security suite (ZoneAlarm) has tagged the new ptrack2.exe as the following virus - backdoor.win32.rbot.kiw

Has anybody else has this problem, or should I be worried about a real virus loose on my system.

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:06 pm
by ptrack pat
I just had one other user report a similar problem but 2.17.02 has been out now for about 2 weeks an nobody else has reported any issues with it. I just downloaded the patch again and extracted the files and ran a scan (using McAfee) and there are no problems with it.

In Feb. some users with F-Secure AV were reporting issues with another patch that turned out to be false positives. More on that can be seen in the old forum archives... ... hp?t=24423

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:15 pm
by Tricksy
My first reply seems to have dissapeared.

I have the same problem Zone Alarm has quarintined my ptrack2.exe file so I can't use it.

I had a similar problem last week with different software, I would suggest contacting Zone Alarm directly they should be able to confirm a false positive or not (and to fix it if it is).

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:35 pm
by Tricksy
Okay I managed turn off Zone Alarm and reinstall the last patch. I then turned on ZA and instructed ZA to ignore always this backdoor report on PTRACK2.exe

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:44 am
by Wiles
This just happened to me as well. It didn't occur when I downloaded the latest patch some time last week, but when my computer completed it's weekly scans for viruses and spyware: ptrack2.exe is now quarantined.

Has this been confirmed as a false positive? Because I'm a fanatic about practicing safe computing, but I also, frankly, won't play a hand of on-line poker without my beloved PT!

Thanks for any help or advice,


Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:00 am
by TX86s

i'm having the same problem, does anyone have a fix for this? or are we really the only 4 ppl who happen to have this problem?


Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 9:04 am
by ptrack pat
You need to contact the makers of this AV software and alert them to this issue. They might even ask you to send them the file to confirm there is no virus. I gave a link in the previous post where there was a false positive being reported in Feb. and the makers of that software had to release an update.

I have downloaded both the full program and patch files and ran scans against them both again just to double-check and using an up-to-date version of McAfee they are all clean.

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:31 pm
by jrbick
Just had the same problem w/ Kaspersky this morning. Weird that it hasn't shown up until now. Not knowing what it was all about I had it deleted :cry: so hopefully a reinstall/repair gets PT working again.

Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:51 pm
by Wiles

Thanks for your prompt replies.

I reported this false positive to Zonealarm. And then following the link in the previous thread you mentioned, I downloaded patch 2.17.01h and it restored ptrack2.exe to its proper place. Here's the direct link for any other Zonealarm users having trouble with the newest patch:


Zone alarm did not complain during this install or when I opened PT. Everything seems to be running perfectly again. (I'm mining two tables and running Pokerace HUD smoothly as I type this.)

Two versions of ptrack2.exe are still hidden away in Zonealarm's quarantine limbo (I installed the newest patch twice. ;- ) but they can stay there for all I care.



Re: ptrack2.exe listed as Virus by ZoneAlarm

PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2008 2:18 pm
by ptrack pat
OK, that patch is pretty old so it may not help people that need the latest patch because of changes made since that one.

I have rebuilt the PT 2.17.02 patch and uploaded it again, maybe a rebuild is all that is needed. If you are getting this error, download and install this patch... ... 02_new.exe

And see if you still get the AV messages.