by Full32 » Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:21 pm
With this last patch :
Starting import of 411 hand(s)...
Import Finished With Errors - The import finished but there were errors. Open the Utilities/Error Log Display/Maintenance window to see the errors - 215 hand(s) were imported.
Better than before (0 hands imported)
NL in English but SL (Sans Limite) in French
Now around 180 errors of this type :
Error #1
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:18 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_5_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: 8 of t, V of c, 4 of t) for game #1939092336.
Error #2
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:17 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_5_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: A of t, 8 of c, V of c) for game #1939091386.
Error #3
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:17 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_5_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: 4 of t, 2 of c, D of c) for game #1939090802.
Error #4
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:17 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_5_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: 7 of t, 7 of p, V of t) for game #1939090576.
Error #5
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:17 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_5_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: V of c, A of p, D of p) for game #1939090090.
Error #6
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:07 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_4_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: 6 of c, 10 of t, D of t) for game #1939089359.
Error #7
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:06 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_4_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with turn cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the turn: V of t) for game #1939083890.
Error #8
Date written: 03/28/2008 07:13:06 PM - From/Version: AutoPRIMA (2.17.01i)
File name: i:\applications\poker tracker v2\PRIMA_HH_4_20080328_191216.txt
Error Msg: Error with flop cards incorrectly recorded (** Dealing the flop: 2 of c, 9 of t, D of c) for game #1939082973.
It could be a problem of translation :
D(ame) in french = Q(ueen) in English
p(ique) in french = s(pike) in english