Lots of ERRORS when importing from PR

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Re: Lots of ERRORS when importing from PR

Postby Lonneman » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:43 pm

I have exactly the same problem.

I also recreated the Ongame dbs several times and deleted the pointers.

I play at 2 Ongame skins btw (shouldn't be of any importance I guess).

Did re-installing the Ongame-software solve it?
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Re: Lots of ERRORS when importing from PR

Postby surfindeath » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:05 am


May I have the same problem like "JBMSweden" ?
The import is very slow ~5min.
Stats are shown correctly.

my error list:

+PokerRoom database bug (incomplete hand history) found for game #1,000,000. You will have to manually request this hand from the PokerRoom web site. (got this error >10 times)
+Error with board cards for game #P4-73653246-140.
+No river line or showdown line found for game #P4-73653246-62.
+Error - duplicate seats found for game #P4-73596095-223.
This error is usually indicative of the hand history information being improperly recorded in the PokerRoom (or skin) database file.

Configure PR(and Skins) and Auto-Import

Thank you for supporting
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Re: Lots of ERRORS when importing from PR

Postby surfindeath » Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:09 am

Forgot the following:
Deleting Pointers: Does it mean to open the ""Configure PR(and Skins) and Auto-Import"- window an then delete?

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Re: Lots of ERRORS when importing from PR

Postby ptrack pat » Wed Aug 06, 2008 9:10 am

It means to open the Ongame auto-import window in PT and click the "Configure Database Files" button and remove any entries there that are pointing to files that are causing errors and just leave an entry to the current Ongame database file being used.
ptrack pat
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