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Full Tilt hand history error.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:35 pm
by WCoaster
I have a hand history from Full tilt in which I split the pot but the winner does not show [--SPLIT--] as with other slit hands. However the hand history text file shows a split pot or tie. Also, my winnings calculated for that pot (I show as winning money yet I am not the winner and it is not split) is slightly less (probably due to rounding) than half of my actual winnings for that hand.

Is it possible to fix this?
Does this happen often?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

On further examination the "NET" winnings for the hand is correct. Just the SPLIT error remains a mystery.

Re: Full Tilt hand history error.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:12 pm
by ptrack pat
Post the hand history text from this hand. Unless you both won the exact same amount from the hand then PT will not show it as a split. If the rake is split between 2 players and it's not an even amount then you both would not have won the same amount from the hand (even though you are still credited in the stats as having won the hand).