by Sacamantecas » Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:46 pm
I only play 20+2$ 10 people SnGs on Everest
This is a single table SNG
I don't think "define SnG Table Properties" would work, these are some first lines of differents SnGs (always same type, Galeras=20+2$)
This some SnGs played on one day
<SESSION time="1207317379" tableName="24673276-0" id="24673276" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207316784" tableName="24673061-0" id="24673061" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207315535" tableName="24672598-0" id="24672598" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207315192" tableName="24672494-0" id="24672494" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207314545" tableName="24672231-0" id="24672231" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
Other days:
[quoted2n]<SESSION time="1207060463" tableName="24597232-0" id="24597232" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207061119" tableName="24597482-0" id="24597482" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1207061798" tableName="24597749-0" id="24597749" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1206455429" tableName="24410666-0" id="24410666" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
<SESSION time="1206455806" tableName="24410804-0" id="24410804" type="tournament" money="" screenName="Hero" game="hold-em" gametype="no-limit"/>
It seems to me that table name it's now only a counter, for example, a SnG played one hour later than other, have always a greater ID or table name
I know that because the Everest history hands are numbered in order in the file name (98,99,100 ...)
There is no word "galeras" in any of this files (galeras is the 20+2$ SnGs' name on Everest)
This is happening also to cash players on Everest or only SnGs players?