HH not importing after I import holdem hands

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HH not importing after I import holdem hands

Postby cneilan » Fri Oct 30, 2009 3:50 am


I had tons of stud hands from my ring games as well as HORSE games. I mostly play limit holdem so I would constantly do Auto import for Holdem manger (the program I now use for holdem and omaha). I have a new computer so I had not downloaded PT Stud yet. I have my HH's saved for like 300 days (on all poker sites where u check box on how long u want hh saved for) I figured that I would continue to import my hands into holdem manager and when i downloaded PT stud (which i did today) then I would hit auto import and it would grab all the stud hands that were being saved. Why werent any of these hands there when I did an auto import on PT.

I figured that when holdem manager does their imports they know to leave the stud hands alone. I believe I also had this same problem in the past when I used both PT holdem and PT stud.

Why am I losing all these hands and how can I prevent this in the future?
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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:03 am

Re: HH not importing after I import holdem hands

Postby ptrack mike » Fri Oct 30, 2009 5:56 am

Why werent any of these hands there when I did an auto import on PT.

You should ask Hold'em Manager support what they do with other game types. If they aren't there then PTS obviously won't be able to import them. If that program moves ALL game types then you'll have to move them back manually.
ptrack mike
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