Configuring Email SettingsBefore you can use the
Import From Email button you need to configure your POP3 email settings by clicking the
Configure link.
In the
Configure POP3 Email Server window you need to fill in the
User, and
Password information for your email account.
You can obtain this from your email service provider.
You can normally leave the
Port at the default of 110 but again your service provider should be able to tell you what port to use.
Only enable the
Use SSL option if your POP3 server needs it.
As an example, if you use a
GMail account it will be something like this:
yourname@gmail.comPassword: Your GMail password
GMail uses SSL, so enable that option and set it to Port 995.
Should you want to set up your GMail account to use POP, or if you want to create a new GMail account to handle your hand/summary emails, here's a link to help you set up
GMail's POP3 Settings.
Hotmail the settings are like this:
yourname@hotmail.comPassword: Your Hotmail password
Hotmail uses SSL, so enable that option and set it to Port 995.
Additional InformationIf you use your normal email address to receive poker emails then you may have a lot of non-poker emails to wade through.
In this case it makes sense to create a new email account just for your poker emails - there are several ways of getting a free email address, such as mentioned above.
If you set up a new email address you should register it with the poker sites that you want to request emails from so that you get the emails directly to PT3 rather than forwarding emails from your existing account to your new account.
When emails are forwarded they are often changed - line breaks or additional characters can be added which change the structure of the file and prevent PT3 from importing them.
Should you need to forward emails like this for some reason you must make sure that your email application is forwarding them unchanged. Most applications should do this by default, but they may not.
For instance in Microsoft Outlook Express you must make these changes:
Menu Item Tools > Options > Send.
Mail Sending Format should be set to "Plain Text".
In "plain text settings" set Automatically Wrap Text at "760" (or some big number, it looks like there is no way to inhibit word wrap).
Remove the checkbox to "Indent the original text with >".