Today I was forced to update my 888 client, just before the update my HUD on SNAP tables was working just fine. After updating al my HUDs work fine except for SNAP tables. There is now no HUD at any SNAP table, I do recall that there was something special long,long time ago with SNAP tables and HUDs but cant recall what it was. ( I do have the snap boxed ticked, in the configuration).
Please enable logging, reproduce this problem and then send your log file to us in a Support Ticket and let us know which 888 client you are using. You can access the 'Logs' folder with the log file by clicking 'File -> Open User Data Folder' in the main PokerTracker 4 window and depending on your Windows settings it will be a text file called 'PokerTracker4' or 'PokerTracker4.log'.
this what support suggested, and this worked for me: "We have just pushed out an automated update which will fix the SNAP HUD with the recent 888 changes.
Please restart PokerTracker 4, the updated files will download at which point your SNAP HUD should work once again."