My Report + 11GB Database

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My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:03 am

Hello,currently my Database is at a whopping 11.9GB with my SSD. Trying to list approx. 700K hands within the My Report tab results in a PT 4.10.8 crash. I am using 16GB of RAM and AMD Phenom(tm) II x4 965 Processor @ 4x3,41 Ghz. Running PotsgreSQL 9.0.15 and tuned it's config using PT Database Management. Are you aware of this issue with large databases? I think we talked about this before and you decided to add paging or maybe an "Export to CSV". Just wanted to check if I am missing something since my used hardware should normally do the job.
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:01 am

If it helps: What I wouldlike to achieve

Export a custom report with all hands of a specific player (in this case my player name) and also all hands of other player's where I know the holecards + that are involved in specific players hands. Right know it's kind of tricky to deal with this since I have to adjust filters and I am only able to display 100K hands at a time due to the crash when displaying All Hands.

What might do a good job is to offer an option with mentioned query, display most recent 100 hands as preview and then offer an option to "Export all hands to CSV".

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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby WhiteRider » Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:27 am

Is it actually "crashing", or freezing? If it's not responding it could be that it's still working, although I don't think the hand reports were really designed to show that many hands in a single list so it's possible that many hands will cause problems.

When you restart PT4 after the problem does it offer to submit a crash report? If so, please do - these go directly to our development team and are really useful.

If not, please enable logging (Configure > Options) and reproduce the problem the attach the PokerTracker4.log file from C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\PokerTracker 4\ (which you can access from the PT4 File menu) to a Support Ticket so that we can investigate.
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:39 pm

I get Win7 message "Prog not responding", then PT4 closes. I can restart PT4, but no "crash" report shows. I will enable logging and add to a ticket. Probably my 700K hands and even more when I show other player's hands as well might cause the problem. The Query has to review 11,9GB of data and then list most of the hands. Therefore pagination or an advanced export to CSV option, which would show a preview and export file by file could be useful.

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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby kraada » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:46 am

If you want to export all hands you played it's much more efficient to go to Database -> Export Hands. Highlight all of your sessions via ctrl+a and click Export.
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Mon Feb 17, 2014 2:47 pm

I am exporting with custom report. I need my hands + players involved in the hand where I know holecards and I also need HoleCards + Flop + Turn + River as Text as well as draws, which is currently only possbile with specific imported statistics.
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby kraada » Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:28 pm

It's likely PT4 is continuing to work even when it appears to be not responding. That's a huge amount of data to export and it would not surprise me if it took several minutes or even hours to complete. How long have you left it running at the longest (roughly)?
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:25 am

PT4 is populating the query for maybe 15 seconds, then I get Win7 64bit message "prog not responding"...PT4 shuts down...then I can restart PT4 from my desktop.
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby CrittHunter » Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:31 am

Tried it again. This time I do get a message with the standard report export of all hands (700K, other player's hands not included)...takes approx 1min 40 seconds...out of memory....I have 16GB
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Re: My Report + 11GB Database

Postby kraada » Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:57 am

I've been told the reason you're running out of memory is because PT4, itself, is still a 32 bit application and thus it can only use 2G of your RAM -- and this report is simply too large for that. You'll need to break it down by time. Once you've exported it into several CSV files you can insert them into the same spreadsheet without too much trouble.
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