Importing Hands From Disk Awfully Slow

I'm currently trying to import a big chunk of hands into a newly created PT4 database.
During 'Import from Disk' > 'Choose Directory', Pokertracker adjusts session stakes and updates it's cache every few hands, thus slowing down my import immensly.
I've tuned the new database after creating it, and I've rebuilt it's cache too.
Every hand I'm wanting to import is from a 6max cash game, however, the tables are not always full. Yet 6max. To adjust for that, I've changed my import config to stop applying 'Treat As' as seen below.
Is there anything else I can do or do I have to suck it up and import 25k handfiles with a speed of 85h/s?
During 'Import from Disk' > 'Choose Directory', Pokertracker adjusts session stakes and updates it's cache every few hands, thus slowing down my import immensly.
I've tuned the new database after creating it, and I've rebuilt it's cache too.
Every hand I'm wanting to import is from a 6max cash game, however, the tables are not always full. Yet 6max. To adjust for that, I've changed my import config to stop applying 'Treat As' as seen below.
Is there anything else I can do or do I have to suck it up and import 25k handfiles with a speed of 85h/s?