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Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:08 pm
by KuPoB_K
I cannot be 100% sure this is only happening when i play on luckyace poker (888) but it seems to be happening when i have LA tables open. Basically i find impossible to set the HUD up for tournaments. It is all over the place. Every time i play a tournament and i get moved the HUD gets scrambled and i have to readjust the players stats positions again and again. Basically the left side is out of place while the right side seems fine (i.e. positions 1,2,3,4, and 5 are aligned properly but the rest are mixed up) . Lock and save does not seem to work. I have attached screenies from the HUD setup and also LS table position setup. I think it is correct.

Every now and then the hud will just disappear and i have to restart PT4 as relaunch hud option does not work.

Also there are issues with aligning the player mucked cards. On 9 handed table i'm given 10 sets of hole cards :shock: . (see screenshot attached).

Last night i decided to give cash tables a spin and used the default cash HUD. It seemed to work well apart from the separation lines were just in random positions. This has happened before i think but i don't really remember if it was cash and which site, sorry. See one of the attached screenshots to get an idea of what i mean.

I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing, if there is anything you do not understand let me know and i'll try to explain it another way.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 6:55 am
by WhiteRider
888 do not specify the size of their tables in the hand history files so if they have both 9 and 10 seat tables then there is no way to tell which is which. You should have a "Treat As ..." option in the PT-icon menu which allows you to tell the HUD how many seats there are.
We are lobbying sites to provide this information in their hand histories, but until they do that we can't tell automatically whether it is a 9 or 10 seat table.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 10:56 am
by KuPoB_K
^^^ Ok, I'll give this a go and see how it goes.
For the other issue where the stats gets moved about I'm sure i have tried using this in the past but it still does not fix it. Pretty sure.

Did you also see the 6m cash table. The one that has separator bars out of place. Tried again last night and got the same result.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:06 am
by WhiteRider
If you have the correct table size then preferred seating should rotate the stats correctly - check out the Tutorial: Preferred Seating.

We're aware of the issue with positioning of separators when using stat colours, amongst other things, and it is in our system to be fixed.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:58 pm
by KuPoB_K
Treat as ... option does not seem to do any good. If anything it seems to confuse the hud even more. After i select it the hud refreshes and then the stats appear like in the pics below. Also the control box becomes unclickable from that point onward and restart hud option does not help.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:43 pm
by KuPoB_K
And to add to that, Confugure mucked cards options still giver 10 hole cards even after i have selected "treat table as 9 handed"

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 4:50 pm
by WhiteRider
OK, thanks - I'll check it out. It is possible that there is some issue with tournament tables at 888. Please open a Support Ticket with a link to this thread so that we can get you into our system. I don't have time to test just now, but I will put this on my list to look at ASAP.

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 6:39 pm
by KuPoB_K
ticket 116921

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:16 pm
by KuPoB_K
Not to open a new thread as this is somehow relevant to the above. The aligning issue on 888 seems to be only for tournaments. If you look at the screenshot below you'll see i have 2 tables open: 1 tournament and one cash. The cash hud behaves the way it should but the tournament one is bananas. They are both 9 handed tables as well.

Also after leaving the table for a bit i had sit out and when i came back i saw another "floating" hud with no table. Had to restart PT4 to get rid of it.
scrrenshot below:

Setup in client and PT4 as follows:

Re: Some PT4 and HUD issues with 888 poker

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:55 am
by WhiteRider
WhiteRider wrote:888 do not specify the size of their tables in the hand history files so if they have both 9 and 10 seat tables then there is no way to tell which is which. You should have a "Treat As ..." option in the PT-icon menu which allows you to tell the HUD how many seats there are.
We are lobbying sites to provide this information in their hand histories, but until they do that we can't tell automatically whether it is a 9 or 10 seat table.

Until 888 start including this information you will need to use the PT-icon > Treat As ... option to tell the HUD which table size to use if the table is not of the default size as we can't tell the difference between 9 and 10 seat tables from the hand history.