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Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 12:57 am
by Marry
I have been playing on 2 separate PCs, and now I have 2 database with same name.

I was wondering if I can merge these two database.

I have tried restore but that will overwrite the other database.

Re: Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:33 am
by kraada
The easiest way to do this is to export the hands from the smaller database, bring them to the larger database and import them there.

Re: Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:49 pm
by Marry
I have the exported hands ready, but in the import statistics it only accepts *.pt4stat and I have Text document.

Could you explain more about how to import hands?

Re: Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2012 4:06 am
by WhiteRider
That option is for importing custom statistics, not importing hands.

To import hand history files either click Play Poker > Get Hands From Disk or click the the import icon in the very bottom right of PT4.

Re: Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:42 am
by asbos
got a file named DB.backup and I also have my regular DB working for PT4 while I play on this PC, what should I do to import that backup without replacing my current one ? thanks in advance.

Re: Merging two PT4 Database

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:54 pm
by Flag_Hippo
If the database you are restoring has a different name then it will be restored separately from your existing database but if they share the same name you will be given the option to overwrite the existing database or rename the database being restored so you don't lose the existing database.