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Graph stats not working properly for me?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 9:28 pm
by Razuya
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me fix a problem with my graph statistics.

Instead of it showing a hand by hand result on the graph, it's only showing me the following..


how do i fix this please?

Re: Graph stats not working properly for me?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:48 am
by WhiteRider
That suggests that the currency exchange rate wasn't set correctly during the import. (We have an issue which can cause this fixed for the next release.)
Go to Database > Currency and select the session(s) affected and click 'Set Rates' with the 'automatic' option ticked.

Re: Graph stats not working properly for me?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:49 am
by WhiteRider
Another thought - did you play Play Money hands for the flat portion of the graph? That would be converted to zero "My Currency" because it isn't worth anything.