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Slow auto import
Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:17 pm
by drmt
My auto import is very slow. If I start multitabling, my hud doesn't show or appears after long time. And in "view todays hands" shows nothing.It have started after importing old hands. I have tried Reindex, Vacum and analyze.
Re: Slow auto import
Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:40 pm
by kraada
On the View Import Status window when you start importing do you see a lot of files detected?
Re: Slow auto import
Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:52 am
by drmt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Starting auto-import.
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Found 14 files to monitor.
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka1\HH20120911 Baboquivari IV - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Belnika IV - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Demiddelaer Fast - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Erfordia III - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Gerlinde III Fast - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Ginevra IV Fast - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Hammonia II - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Ingwelde - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Makhaon IV Fast - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Media III - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Procyon II Fast - $2-$4 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\akak\HH20120911 Sazava VII - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Unuk IV Fast - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:20 am: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka\HH20120911 Wallia IV Fast - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:49:34 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043277584) from Baboquivari IV
09:49:46 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043292056) from Baboquivari IV
09:49:57 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043311312) from Baboquivari IV
09:50:09 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043394745) from Baboquivari IV
09:50:20 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043433096) from Baboquivari IV
09:50:32 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043450462) from Baboquivari IV
09:50:44 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043466508) from Baboquivari IV
09:50:54 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043491639) from Baboquivari IV
09:51:05 am: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86043514776) from Baboquivari IV
Re: Slow auto import
Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:36 am
by WhiteRider
You need to let those hands import before you start playing for best performance.
These files should be moved when you stop the import, but if the table windows are still open when you stop importing the files can be locked which means they can't be moved.
Once those existing hands have imported the new hands while you play should keep up.
Re: Slow auto import
Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:57 pm
by drmt
Old hands aren't in that folder, where ps hands are. And i delete all Hands in pS folder and run auto import, it doesn't change anything..
Okay, I will try to explain more clearly.
Firstly, I have checked if there are something to import:
09:46:07 pm: PokerStars: Starting auto-import.
09:46:07 pm: PokerStars: Found 2 files to monitor.
Then, I have played on Pokerstars without auto import for couple minutes. And sit out. Then ran auto-import again. Shouldn't it import more hands/ per second?
09:46:07 pm: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka1\HH20120912 Kalm IV Fast - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:46:07 pm: PokerStars: Loading hand history file: C:\Users\naujas\AppData\Local\PokerStars\HandHistory\aka1\HH20120912 Ortutay VII - $1-$2 - USD No Limit Hold'em.txt
09:47:25 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079745695) from Kalm IV
09:47:27 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079752757) from Kalm IV
09:47:29 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079762645) from Kalm IV
09:47:32 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079776124) from Kalm IV
09:47:35 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079782308) from Kalm IV
09:47:39 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079795341) from Kalm IV
09:47:41 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079755661) from Ortutay VII
09:47:43 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079767118) from Ortutay VII
09:47:44 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079778323) from Ortutay VII
09:47:47 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079785678) from Ortutay VII
09:47:49 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079790232) from Ortutay VII
09:47:51 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079799658) from Ortutay VII
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079811009) from Ortutay VII
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Kalm IV'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Inanda III'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Oskar II'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Perseus V'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Ortutay VII'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'El Djezair VI'
09:47:54 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#86079483789) from Kalm IV
09:47:55 pm: Warning: PokerStars: Encountered cancelled hand history. (Hand #86079505296)
09:47:55 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#86079731915) from Inanda III
09:47:55 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#86079805810) from Inanda III
09:47:55 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#86079856411) from Inanda III
09:47:59 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079910748) from Inanda III
09:48:03 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#86079934674) from Inanda III
Re: Slow auto import
Wed Sep 12, 2012 5:58 pm
by kraada
The hands are imported as they are written - hands don't go that quickly on played tables so speed is not an issue. Are you not having it keep up? It certainly should be doing that.
Re: Slow auto import
Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:16 pm
by drmt
Now I can't play with hud.I'm loosing money. It doesn't even update after orbit.. What is the best and fastest solution ? Reinstalling postgres should help?
Re: Slow auto import
Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:47 pm
by kraada
It definitely should not be doing that. Please restart PT4 using the Logging Enabled link on your Start Menu and reproduce this problem. Then please send us the PokerTracker4.log file via a
support ticket so that we can investigate this further for you. You can find this file by clicking File -> Open User Data Folder in the main PT4 window. The file we need is the text file called PokerTracker that's in the folder that appears. The logs will help us in determining where the slowdown is so that we can get it fixed.