Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

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Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby bogracs » Tue Mar 26, 2013 2:19 pm

Hi, I started using the trial PT4 and it works perfectly with PokerStars. However, when I tried it with FullTilt or PartyGaming it doesn't want to import the hands.
05:24:57 pm: Full Tilt: Starting auto-import.
05:24:57 pm: Full Tilt: Monitoring tables for Rush Poker.
05:24:57 pm: PartyGaming: Starting auto-import.
05:24:57 pm: Party: Monitoring tables for FastForward Poker.
05:24:57 pm: Full Tilt: Found 0 files to monitor.
05:24:57 pm: PokerStars: Starting auto-import.
05:24:57 pm: PokerStars: Monitoring tables for Zoom Poker.
05:24:57 pm: PartyGaming: Found 0 files to monitor.
05:24:57 pm: PokerStars: Found 0 files to monitor.
05:50:43 pm: PokerStars: Importing observed hands from table 'Smither VI'
05:50:43 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#96184223580) from Smither VI
05:50:44 pm: PokerStars: Hand observed but not imported (#96184424605) from Smither VI
05:51:26 pm: PokerStars: Hand Imported (#96184488400) from Smither VI

I have configured Party Poker and FullTilt (I am more interested in getting Party Poker to work) to save the hands and I tried observing a table to see if PT4 will import the hands but it didn't. I thought it might be because I was not in the game so I tried a play money table but the hands were still not imported. Hands from Pokerstars, however, are imported both when I observe and play on a table. I don't know what the reason for this problem could be. Thank you in advance.
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby WhiteRider » Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:09 pm

Hands aren't written when you're not playing, so you will need to play.
Please check the Site Configuration Guides to make sure you have everything set up correctly - it doesn't look as if any hand history files are being written, or PT4 isn't configured to read from the correct locations. Please also check the PokerStars guide as it looks as if you're only getting the 30 observed hands that we're allowed to import.
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby bogracs » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:01 pm

Yes, I can only get 30 hands, I know, but the problem is that for Party Poker even when I play on a play money table, it doesn't import the hands. I have checked the box "Store hand history logs" and PT4 Autodetected the folder so I suppose the problem is elsewhere. However, when I go to this folder, it's empty, which is strange.
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby WhiteRider » Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:31 am

It does sound as if something isn't configured correctly.
Is PT4 recognizing any hand history files while you play?

Please check that folder while you're playing - if it is empty while you're playing then the site isn't saving hands. Try turning the option off and on again and see if that makes it save hands. If not, you'll need to contact your site to find out why it isn't working for you.

(Note that if PT4 is recognizing your hand history files and importing them then it will have moved the Processed folder, which you can find via the menu File > Open User Data Folder, which will mean that the original HH folder is empty after you stop the import.)
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby bogracs » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:30 am

I tried what you said and indeed the hands were not stored while I was playing. I supposed it might be from the fact that I am only trying it with play money. I found some people saying that FullTilt does not save play money hands so I suppose Party Poker is the same. Do you think that might be the problem? (The strange thing for me is that Stars saves all hands independently on whether I am playing, observing, playing real money or play money.)
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby kraada » Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:57 am

The observed hands from PokerStars are different - they're not actually written but we do something special in that one particular case.

Regardless, if hands are written we will import them but if they aren't there's very little we can do.
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby bogracs » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:08 pm

Ok, I get that. But what about the real/play money - is there a difference? Is it possible that Party Poker does not record my hands only because I haven't started my real money account yet?
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby kraada » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:22 pm

It's entirely possible there is a difference because it's play money. I know historically several sites haven't written play money hands. In fact, if you have the PokerStars.NET client (instead of .COM) they still don't write play money hands. I'm sure if the hands don't write in real money play that Party's support personnel will help you get that working.
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Re: Problem with rooms different from Pokerstars

Postby bogracs » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:39 pm

Thank you very much for the help! :)
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