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Did PT4 just download two files automatically?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:17 am
by Okok
I just opened Stars and PT4 at the same time. I got the pop up to upgrade PT4 to 4.08.3 but clicked ok to skip it, since it's not important for me atm.

While things were loading there was a "downloading files 1 of 2" type of popup that quickly came and went.

If this was PT4 downloading some essential files or something that's fine with me. I just have no idea where it was from. Stars didn't pop up with the click ok to update to a new version like they normally do. So I'm just wondering what that was. I had chrome open as well as a windows photo viewer. So if it wasn't PT4 or Stars, it's scary.

Re: Did PT4 just download two files automatically?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:37 am
by Okok
Could it have been something related to that tourneydetect thing?

Re: Did PT4 just download two files automatically?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:38 am
by kraada
Yeah that's PT4 downloading files that we push - tourneydetect.cfg is one such file but there are a few others we can do as well. They're safe and make for easier updating of various pieces of PT4. We definitely recommend updating your database though especially as a tournament player - the last update is specifically to improve report performance for tournament users.
