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Latest pt4 update - taken 14 hours so far

PostPosted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:56 pm
by revengaa

I know in the past when I havw upgraded versions of poker traker it's taken hours - but this recent update has now taken 14 hours. How much longer is this going to take ?? I have aprox 1.3 million hands in hand history.



Re: Latest pt4 update - taken 14 hours so far

PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:45 am
by kraada
The exact amount of time taken depends on your system. Do you know what version you upgraded from? There were a few database updates over recent releases and if you had to run through several of them that would make things take longer.

Do you normally have PT4 running with logging enabled? If you did, we could check the log to see what's going on.