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PokerStars change from "CAP NL" to "NL CAP"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:47 am
by Stally
On 27-11-13 (yesterday), the tables for PokerStars in my database changed their name from "CAP NL" to "NL CAP". Is it possible that the future update will combine both of those stakes? Would this require a reimport?

A second point is the issue of how it combines with CAP games on other sites - am I right in thinking that the Full Tilt CAP games are labelled "NL CAP"? Previously that meant you could see the difference between the two - I think it's relevant as FT uses 30bb CAP, Stars uses 20bb CAP, and so people's performance in either can be vastly different - of course, a player can filter by site, and perhaps it's possible that merging them will make the "stakes" lists a player can have less cluttered.


Re: PokerStars change from "CAP NL" to "NL CAP"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 5:48 am
by Stally
Oh oh oh... I would love a filter for "CAP" games in general! Or even just the option within the tickboxes for stakes "mark all CAP" or similar.

Re: PokerStars change from "CAP NL" to "NL CAP"

PostPosted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:01 pm
by WhiteRider
This change in the last release was a fix because previously the "CAP" tag was in the wrong place in the name. The new format of description is the correct one, and will apply to all imports in future.
You can change the stake description of your previous sessions using Database > Adjust Stakes. Select all sessions of the same type and update the stake name to match the new description, then you'll be able to filter for them all together.

I hope at some point we'll be able to add a filter for all CAP stakes, and I'll remind the development team about that.
