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Hard to understand PT4

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:33 am
by mzeros
Hi PT4

I own Pokertracker 4, I still don't understand the numbers works and all, Don't know how to see my opening ranges etc honestly very difficult to understand

Can someone please explaining me what does number means and when do i use them an example on flop, am i suppose to look at their stats flop or turn if we both on flop bet etc

Please dont tell me to watch video tutorial because i am Deaf and i cant hear at all, Also BSL is my first language not English

VP, PF, 3B, I know what they means but

VP 40, 32 PF etc, I havent got a clue what number meaning

Re: Hard to understand PT4

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:17 am
by kraada
You can read about the way the stats are calculated in the Configure -> Statistics window, where we also have detailed formulas listed.

For example with VPIP the value is calculated by dividing the number of hands someone did put money in a pot by the number of hands he could and multiplying by 100. So if you see VPIP of 40 that means over the number of hands he could have put money in, 40% of the time he did. You can experiment in our Equity Calculator (through the Tools menu) to try to get an idea what a 40 percent range might look like. You won't know exactly which 40% he is playing because every player has different preferences (especially in different circumstances) but it is at least a start.

Re: Hard to understand PT4

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:12 am
by mzeros
Thanks, I'll look into that now cheers man :)
