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HU effective stack filter bug
Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:30 am
by Waterd103
Im a spin and go player, and when i filter hands with effective stack size, i noticed that when I´m in the BB and SB folds, the eff stack size is considered to be Zero.
That means that if i do something like 0-5BB filter, it includes all the times SB folded to me, even if we are 30BB deep.
and if i do something like 5-10BB, it doesnt include any hand where the SB folded to me, EVEN if the effective stack was 5-10
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:17 am
by kraada
That's correct and this is intentional behavior. Effective stack is defined as how much you can lose in a hand and when you get a walk you can't lose anything. Change your filter to between .01BB and 5 BB and you won't see the walk hands.
If you want to analyze how much your opponents are folding on a general level use an All Players report and filter to times they're in the SB with a given effective stack size and you can look at the population VPIP (100 - VPIP is how often they fold there).
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Wed Sep 09, 2015 3:04 pm
by Waterd103
That means is impossible to know whats my BB/100 winrate in BB at any eff stacksize
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:28 pm
by kraada
You can filter by absolute rather than effective stack size if you really need that information for heads up play since chips are always evenly distributed at heads up.
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:38 pm
by Waterd103
I fail to see how absolute stack size helps here. Absolute chips have no bearing on how the matchup is or should be played, I want to see my winrate when the eff stack is between 12-17 (a common range choosen by Hu players) its just impossible. i may have 25 BB and just be playing a 5BB eff game, which is whats important., the fact i have 20 more BB is irrelevant to the flow of the game.
But even if it would help (and it doesn´t) its still a problem for BB 3 way.
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:53 am
by kraada
When you get a walk there is no change you could make in that hand.
You can find how often you get them at different stack sizes by filtering using absolute stack size and effective stack size. You can find how often others offer them by filtering or them and looking at their VPIP.
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:47 pm
by Waterd103
Yeah, i know how to do it manually, but it means my BB/100 win rate in BB if i filter for stack size, it´s never ever accurate.
Re: HU effective stack filter bug
Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:07 pm
by kraada
We understand that the definition causes this result, but believe the accurate definition is worth this one particular hassle.