by woodshipper » Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:41 pm
This is the first part of the error I get:
: Error: Winamax: Unable to import hand. Reason: Error: Unable to execute query: Fatal Error; Reason: Error: (ERROR: schema "pph" does not exist CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT chps.id_player, chps.id_gametype, chps.id_limit, chs.cnt_players,((case when( lookup_positions.flg_sb) then 0 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_bb) then 1 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_ep) then 2 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_mp) then 3 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_co) then 4 else 5 end) end) end) end) end)), (chps.flg_f_has_position), (chps.flg_t_has_position), (chps.flg_r_has_position), (CAST ( ((date_part('year', timezone('UTC', chps.date_played + INTERVAL '0 HOURS')) * 100) + (EXTRACT (WEEK FROM timezone('UTC', chps.date_played + INTERVAL '0 HOURS')))) AS integer )), (sum((case when(lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%C' AND chps.flg_f_bet AND NOT (chps.flg_f_cbet_opp) AND NOT(chps.flg_f_has_position) AND chs.cnt_playe.....