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Hud not working

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:35 pm
by woodshipper
I installed PT4 on my new laptop. Hud worked fine at first. After re-importing hands of last 2 months I started playing againg.
Now my HUD is not working and Importing while playing goes very slow and I get 2 errors for every one hand that gets imported.

What went wrong?

Re: Hud not working

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 5:41 pm
by woodshipper
This is the first part of the error I get:

: Error: Winamax: Unable to import hand. Reason: Error: Unable to execute query: Fatal Error; Reason: Error: (ERROR: schema "pph" does not exist CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT chps.id_player, chps.id_gametype, chps.id_limit, chs.cnt_players,((case when( lookup_positions.flg_sb) then 0 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_bb) then 1 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_ep) then 2 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_mp) then 3 else (case when( lookup_positions.flg_co) then 4 else 5 end) end) end) end) end)), (chps.flg_f_has_position), (chps.flg_t_has_position), (chps.flg_r_has_position), (CAST ( ((date_part('year', timezone('UTC', chps.date_played + INTERVAL '0 HOURS')) * 100) + (EXTRACT (WEEK FROM timezone('UTC', chps.date_played + INTERVAL '0 HOURS')))) AS integer )), (sum((case when(lookup_actions_p.action LIKE '%C' AND chps.flg_f_bet AND NOT (chps.flg_f_cbet_opp) AND NOT(chps.flg_f_has_position) AND chs.cnt_playe.....

Re: Hud not working

PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:02 pm
by Flag_Hippo
That error means you have statistics which use additional tables which need to be added to the database outside of PokerTracker 4. You will need to contact to find out what you need to do to your database for those stats to work. In the meantime you can also turn off your Premium HUD by disabling the "Configure -> Options -> Download Premium Content" option and then restarting PokerTracker 4.
