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3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 8:25 pm
by edgarasbb
Hi, I want to ask how to create popup of 3bet positional stats. I mean 3bet certain positions vs certain positions. For example BB 3bet vs UTG/MP/CO/BU/SB. or BU vs UTG/MP/CO. One popup for all these stats. Because now what I have is by position and vs position. vs position stat is all positions combined vs certains position but i need position vs position. Hope I explained it clear. Thanks for helping me.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 2:27 am
by Flag_Hippo
If you create your own positional popup and then add the built in '3bet vs ....' statistics that should give you what you want. You can also set the position of the 3bettor in a regular popup by specifying the position via the 'Item Properties' tab at the top right of the 'HUD Profile Editor' window. Select the stat you want to configure and scroll down to where it says 'Position'. So if you wanted '3Bet vs EP 2Bet' from the BB you would select the '3Bet vs EP 2Bet' stat, and change the Position Item Property from 'All Positions' to 'Big Blind'.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:13 pm
by edgarasbb
Thanks a lot! I made it. Want to ask whats the difference between 3 bet vs CO open and 3 bet vs CO 2 bet stat? Its seems that theres a very tinny difference but I cant understand what. Thanks a lot. And one more question.. how can I make a stat between the brackets which is total hands played in this spot. For example I made MP 3bet vs UTG stat. They gave me a number but I also want between the brackets total hands played in this spot by MP. Thank you very much.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 9:15 am
by Flag_Hippo
edgarasbb wrote:Thanks a lot! I made it. Want to ask whats the difference between 3 bet vs CO open and 3 bet vs CO 2 bet stat? Its seems that theres a very tinny difference but I cant understand what.

When the CO opens this is a raise first in/steal attempt so there are no limpers whereas when the CO 2Bets this will also include hands with limpers.
edgarasbb wrote:how can I make a stat between the brackets which is total hands played in this spot. For example I made MP 3bet vs UTG stat. They gave me a number but I also want between the brackets total hands played in this spot by MP.

Under the 'Item Properties' for the stat in the 'HUD Profile Editor' window change the 'Show Times/Opportunities' property from 'False' to 'True'.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 11:52 pm
by edgarasbb
Thanks. So how I can make BU 3bet vs UTG open? Im asking it because theres only 3bet vs EP 2bet stat, not 3bet vs EP open stat. Thanks

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2018 8:20 am
by Flag_Hippo
If you are playing 6max games you won't need that since they are the same thing (UTG can only open with no limps before) but otherwise you can do that with a custom statistic. This guide covers the basics on custom statistics creation and this guide goes into more detail. The latter was written for PokerTracker 3 but the techniques all apply to PokerTracker 4, the interface is just slightly different.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:01 am
by edgarasbb
Thank you very much.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 4:30 am
by edgarasbb
One more question.. How can I make BU vs UTG or MP cc stat? I cant find it. Theres only cc vs CO and cc pf 2bet. Thanks a lot. And it seems the same problem is for SB cc vs utg/mp and BB vs utg/mp. Maybe theres the way I can put in cc vs certain position not vs all.

Re: 3bet positional stats

PostPosted: Mon Dec 24, 2018 8:59 am
by Flag_Hippo
edgarasbb wrote:How can I make BU vs UTG or MP cc stat? I cant find it. Theres only cc vs CO and cc pf 2bet.

You can set the position of the caller by setting using the 'Position' property in the HUD Profile Editor but if you want to specify the position of the raiser you can do that with a custom statistic - see the guides I linked above. There may also be similar stats if you search the custom statistic forum and you can edit them if they are not exactly what you are after.
edgarasbb wrote:And it seems the same problem is for SB cc vs utg/mp and BB vs utg/mp. Maybe theres the way I can put in cc vs certain position not vs all.

In PokerTracker 4 a cold call is when a player calls a preflop 2Bet without having any money in the pot (including blind money) so that's not possible from the blinds.