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What is the procedure for transferring data to new computer?

Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:08 pm
by springz911
Hello, I just got a new computer and I wanted to know the procedure to transfer over my hand files and my HUD configurations. I use Windows 10 on both computers. I have already backed the files up and transferred them over to my new computer but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do now. I have 3 folders that transferred over.
1.The Databases folder which contains 4 files backup files. Do I just drag that in to the Data folder of my Poker Tracker 4 on the new computer.
2.Then there is the Config folder. Do I delete the old one or just drag the files into the new one an accept overwrites?
3.Then there is the Data folder transferred from my old computer that looks like it has some Hud profiles, layouts, quick filters, reports, stats definitions. Is there an easy way to transfer this or do I have to figure out where everything goes?
Do I just drag everything in to the new computer Poker Tracker 4 Data folder and let the Poker Tracker sort it out?
Thanks for any help.
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:35 pm
by Flag_Hippo
If you created a backup file using PokerTracker 4 that would have created a .zip file. When restoring on another computer ('File -> Restore' or via 'Database -> Database Management') just point the restore to the zipped folder and everything will get restored from there - you do not need to manually extract and copy folders from the .zip file:
Guide: Backup & RestoreWhen restoring you can manually select whether you want to restore database(s), config folder and/or the data folder. You shouldn't restore the config folder as that only contains settings relevant to the computer the backup was created with.
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:24 pm
by springz911
Hello I'm having problems. I did the transfer and it was a large file so my hands must be in the file, but no hands are showing up in my Poker Tracker on my new computer. But all of the configuration stuff transferred fine. Can you please help?
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:19 pm
by springz911
False alarm. I had an error because I accidentally pressed restore after I was done restoring, then cancelled it. It must have glitched. I uninstalled everything, reinstalled, re-imported and it was all good.
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:21 pm
by shrew
Flag_Hippo wrote:If you created a backup file using PokerTracker 4 that would have created a .zip file. When restoring on another computer ('File -> Restore' or via 'Database -> Database Management') just point the restore to the zipped folder and everything will get restored from there - you do not need to manually extract and copy folders from the .zip file:
Guide: Backup & RestoreWhen restoring you can manually select whether you want to restore database(s), config folder and/or the data folder. You shouldn't restore the config folder as that only contains settings relevant to the computer the backup was created with.
When I click restore and try to point it to the backup file, it doesn't let me "choose" the PT4 backup. I click "PT4 Backup" and then that gives me options for Databases, Optional, and TOC.xml. I cannot choose any of those 3 either.
How do I get it to restore from this backup?
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:33 pm
by shrew
I have a brand new computer. And, I am checking vs my old computer. and, I think I have figured out the issue
Apparently, my new computer is not recognizing the file as a .zip file.
I created a backup on old computer, which was a .zip file. I emailed the .zip file to myself, downloaded the .zip file, and when I download it to the new computer, it is NOT downloading as a .zip file
I am going to try to COMPRESS the PT4backup folder now into a "zip" again perhaps?
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:36 pm
by shrew
So close, that I can point to the ZIP file, but it says "Invalid TOC"
any suggestions?
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:45 pm
by shrew
shrew wrote:So close, that I can point to the ZIP file, but it says "Invalid TOC"
any suggestions?
this is what my TOC.xml says if helpful
Databases/DB0.backup PokerTracker 4 Database PT4 DB postgres dbpass localhost 5432 Optional/Data/ReportsCustomized.pt4Optional/Data/StatDefinitionsCustomized.pt4Optional/Data/Layouts.pt4.backupOptional/Data/ReportsCustomized.pt4.backupOptional/Data/HudProfiles.pt4Optional/Data/StatDefinitionsExternal.pt4Optional/Data/StatDefinitionsCustomized.pt4.backupOptional/Data/HudProfiles.pt4.backupOptional/Data/Layouts.pt4Optional/Data/QuickFilters.pt4Optional/Config/Enet.cfgOptional/Config/iPoker.cfgOptional/Config/RateInfo.datOptional/Config/Currencies.cfgOptional/Config/Buddies.cfgOptional/Config/FullTilt.cfgOptional/Config/Party.cfgOptional/Config/Merge.cfgOptional/Config/888.cfgOptional/Config/Sites.jsonOptional/Config/PokerStars.cfgOptional/Config/PokerTracker.licOptional/Config/ActiveFiltersCash.datOptional/Config/GuiSettings.cfgOptional/Config/ActiveFiltersTournament.datOptional/Config/TournamentDetect.cfg
Flag_Hippo wrote:Try moving your backup file to the root of C:\ and running the restore from there so if your backup file is in a subfolder, network/cloud share folder or external drive please move it to C:\ and try again.
I tried this trying to restore on a new computer, and no luck (working on a new MacBook Pro).....old computer was a MacBook Pro too if helpful
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Mon Dec 06, 2021 6:48 am
by Flag_Hippo
Try the restore again but remove all check marks under 'Optional' and see if that works. If that still doesn't work open the backup zip file and copy (don't move/remove) TOC.xml to C:. Rename C:\TOC.xml to C:\TOC.txt and attach TOC.txt to a
Support Ticket with a link to this thread.
Re: What is the procedure for transferring data to new compu

Mon Dec 06, 2021 1:43 pm
by shrew
just tried --- didnt work, will do support ticket