Hello Devs,
I have been looking through the forum posts looking for a simple solution to using PT4 with Play Money. I understand the methods to adjust PLY to a value of 1 to make the data show for 'My Currecy Buy In" ect. as play money, but its frustrating having to do this for every game played. And the inability to customise how the graphs are shown to utilise play money is also a bit annoying.
Couldn't the devs simply make the option of "PLY" as My Currency a thing, that way there would be means to filter out play money should players switch to a currency with real world value, but for us players that cannot play real money or chose to play with play money can also use the software just as simply.
I bought the software when I could play with real money in Australia, and now I'd like to track my stats with play money games, but it seems like a lot of effort when I don't think it should be.
Would very much like to hear your response.
Thank you