My report - help to create report

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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby Kalledrengen » Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:11 pm

Yeah it's just regular 100bb heads up so will be opportunity to 4b on pretty much all 3-bets.

Hand report - When I filter for "saw flop" it correctly filters for this.
Player report - When I filter for "saw flop". It shows the same amount of hands as in "hand report". But one alias shows $0.00 (based on 3800 hands) in the "my c won" column while the other shows -$101.14 (based on 1000 hands). It could be that I happened to totally break-even on one site but probably fairly unlikely it hits $0.00 exactly so assuming there is some sort of error.
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:03 pm

The bottom row in the Hand report should give you the totals - does it actually add up to $0.00 there (make sure to set it to show all hands not just the last 100)?
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby Kalledrengen » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:49 pm

Yeah the bottom row in the hand report shows -$101.14 as the total which is correct (cause I had $0.00 on one site and -$101.14 on another).

I tried filtering for sites but it took too long so I removed my alias instead and here it also shows $0.00 and -$101.14 depending on site. So I guess I just magically hit $0.00 on one site.
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:55 pm

Well at least everything was working properly :)
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby Kalledrengen » Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:44 pm

Well all hands still disappear when I filter for "4b opportunities" which I don't understand.

Thanks for your help for far btw. Hope you can help on the last issue also :)
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby kraada » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:03 pm

You know, if you use the filter I gave you it filters for times that these players did 3bet and their 3bet stat matches the values you wanted. If you're playing heads up and they 3bet then you're going to have a 4bet opportunity every time. I'm not sure why the simple filter is filtering things out but if you've already got those hands filtered to . . . you don't need to do it twice!
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby Kalledrengen » Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:45 am

When I use your filter in "hands report" I just saw that some of the hands only had me raising once and winning the pot. So I assumed your filter just filtered for every hand vs people who had a 25%+ 3-bet. This would be cool cause then I could just filter for "4b opportunities" and compare stats etc.

However since your last post I had to double check and the hands where I only raise once and win are in fact when I 4-bet them. So yes you are right.

However looking at more hands it seems the filter doesn't work. There are multiple hands where villain does NOT have a 25%+ 3-bet % but only 20% etc. I tried switching off "hud values at the time of the hand" cause I thought perhaps villain had a low 3b% early on but then later went above 25% but no that's not the case.

Any ideas why it shows hands where villain has lower than 25% 3b?
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby Kalledrengen » Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:01 am

Sorry the hands where I only raise once and win are obviously not 4-bets but when I 3-bet them and they fold.

But as said many hands are listed where neither player has a 3b% above 25% so it seems the filter isn't working correctly?
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Re: My report - help to create report

Postby kraada » Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:43 pm

I can't see any obvious reason why this isn't working but I will continue to look into it - I'm about to leave for the weekend though so I won't be able to look into this further until next week.
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