Custom Stat Color Range

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Custom Stat Color Range

Postby lavis » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:34 pm

I want to make my HUD so that the color range of the PFR stat in my HUD is based on the PFR/VPIP stat.

I want it so that..

PFR is red if PFR/VPIP >0.9
PFR is orange if PFR/VPIP <= 0.9 AND >0.8
PFR is yellow if PFR/VPIP <= 0.8 AND > 0.7
PFR is green if PFR/VPIP <= 0.7

How do I do this? I keep getting error messages like "Color condition must evaluate to boolean."

If I try to delete everything and reset it to the default, it won't let me delete the last condition. I can edit it but when it I click "delete" it says "Deleting this stat color may affect other columns, variables or statistics. Are you sure you want to delete it?" I click "yes" and it appears to have deleted. But when I click "OK" it says "You have made changes to this stat. Would you like to save your changes?" I click "yes". This window appears twice for some reason. I click "yes" again and then it says "Please specify an expression for this color condition before saving."
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Re: Custom Stat Color Range

Postby kraada » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:16 pm

You need to do this in the Configure -> Statistics window. It sounds like you may be doing that and just not setting up your conditions properly though -

#PFR/VPIP# <= 0.9 AND >0.8 is invalid but
PFR/VPIP BETWEEN 0.8 AND 0.9 is valid. So try that and it should work.
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