- Code: Select all
sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_raise_facing = tourney_blinds.amt_bb and tourney_hand_player_statistics.position = 8, 1, 0])
If I run this stat for a particular villain it will return some value.
Then I made another column called cnt_p_minr that counts the number of times a player minraised. The definition is:
- Code: Select all
sum(if[tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_steal_att and tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_raise_made = 2 * tourney_blinds.amt_bb, 1, 0])
Now If I run a report for hero with a stat based on the latter column, filtering only for hands against this particular villain with:
- Code: Select all
tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT chps.id_hand from tourney_hand_player_statistics chps, player p where chps.id_player = p.id_player and p.player_name = 'villain sn here')
it will return a different value.
Why the discrepancy? One of the columns must be incorrect, which is it?