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SNG On Demand

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:53 pm
by Diogo37
Today I play On demand sngs up to 45 and up to 180, on PT4 they are put together due to the same buy in, I would like to filter each one of them, the 45 man I managed to put sng of up to 5 tables, but the others I didn't find any option of 5 tables or more and not X or more players, could you help me?

Re: SNG On Demand

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2021 7:11 am
by Flag_Hippo
You can filter for the number of players in a tournament using a custom filter in 'My Reports':

Code: Select all

You can use this expression filter by clicking on the 'Filters' link and selecting 'Add New Expression Filters'. You will need to add the relevant operator and value for what you want at the end of the expression - click the 'Insert' link in the filter window for a list of operators.
