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Fold to R Cbet 10+

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 4:23 pm
Hello, based on 'Fold to R Cbet' I created a statistic in which the player folds to cbet river and the play was:

preflop: C
flop: XC
turn: XC
river: XF

table HU
the player is in BB
SB minraised preflop
stack eff. 10-100bb

Fold to R CBet 10+
(cnt_r_cbet_def_action_fold_10more / cnt_r_cbet_def_opp_10more) * 100

sum(if[tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 2 and
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=40) and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_f_cbet_action='C' and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_t_cbet_action='C' and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND
((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 100) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_r_cbet_action='F', 1, 0])

sum(if[tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 2 and
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=40) and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_f_cbet_action='C' and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_t_cbet_action='C' and
tourney_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND
((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 100) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_cbet_def_opp, 1, 0])

Could you please analyze and let me know if everything is correct?

Re: Fold to R Cbet 10+

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:25 am
by Flag_Hippo
DANNI BASTOS wrote:SB minraised preflop

There isn't anything in these expressions that's testing for this.
DANNI BASTOS wrote:(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=40)

A specific flop bet sizing is not mentioned in your description so I am not sure if it should be there or not.

Re: Fold to R Cbet 10+

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2023 9:34 am
Hello @Flag_Hippo, I would like to rephrase my expression.
then it would be:

Fold to R Cbet 10+ = cnt_r_cbet_def_action_fold_10mais / cnt_r_cbet_def_opp_10mais

sum(if[tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 2 AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND
((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 100) AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_p_raise_aggressor_pos=9 and ((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_2bet_facing + tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_blind) / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 1.99 and 2.10) AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=30) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_f_cbet_action='C' AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_t_bet_facing_pct <=43) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_t_cbet_action='C' AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_r_cbet_action='F', 1, 0])

sum(if[tourney_hand_summary.cnt_players = 2 AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.position=8 AND
((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_effective_stack / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 10 AND 100) AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_p_raise_aggressor_pos=9 and ((tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_2bet_facing + tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_blind) / tourney_blinds.amt_bb) BETWEEN 1.99 and 2.10) AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=30) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_f_cbet_action='C' AND
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_t_bet_facing_pct <=43) AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.enum_t_cbet_action='C' AND
tourney_hand_player_statistics.flg_r_cbet_def_opp, 1, 0])

(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_f_bet_facing_pct <=30) -> because you face a bet up to 40% of the pot size
(tourney_hand_player_statistics.val_t_bet_facing_pct <=43) -> because you face a bet up to 75% of the pot size
*these bet values are necessary, I should have mentioned them before, sorry.

Is it ok now?

Re: Fold to R Cbet 10+

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:00 am
by Flag_Hippo
That looks good.

Re: Fold to R Cbet 10+

PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:29 am
thank you very very very much :D
