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ev roi for all games (HELP)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:23 am
by javippp

I'm traying to do a ev roi for all the games I play.

I'm just using a simple formula

roi = (chips ev - rake chips)*100 / starting chips

I'm not sure if this is incorrect, but still I whant to do it with this formula.

So, to count starting chips, I'm using this colum (amt_starting_stack):

Code: Select all
select distinct first_value(thps.amt_before) over (partition by thps.id_tourney order by thps.date_played)
from tourney_hand_player_statistics as thps
join tourney_summary as ts on ts.id_tourney = thps.id_tourney
where thps.flg_hero
and ts.tourney_no = tourney_summary.tourney_no

and for the chipsEV/tourney I'm using the stat from the warehouse:

Code: Select all
amt_expected_won / cnt_tourneys

with the expression:

Code: Select all
format_number(amt_expected_won / cnt_tourneys, 0, true, true)

Now, here is what I cant understand: How can I use the expression in another stat?

Please help, when finished I will be uploading the stat.

Re: ev roi for all games (HELP)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:07 am
by Flag_Hippo
Unfortunately I don't know of a method to achieve this. A statistic like that would need to combine information from tournament data and from hands and there isn't a simple way to retrieve the total expected chips for a particular tournament and associate that with the starting stack.

Re: ev roi for all games (HELP)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 12:17 am
by javippp
Thanks for responding ...

I'm now traying in another way with this ... but don't undersand how the expressions work .. please help ..

Code: Select all
((amt_expected_won / cnt_tourneys)-((amt_fee / (amt_buyin + amt_fee))*100))/(500)

and the expression

Code: Select all
format_number(((amt_expected_won / cnt_tourneys)-((amt_fee / (amt_buyin + amt_fee))*100))/(500), 0, true, true)

but the result when after calcs give == 0

What should I write? and if you can explain how the expressions work

Re: ev roi for all games (HELP)

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:41 am
by Flag_Hippo
The same issue I mentioned above applies here as well to the buyin. A statistic like that would still need to combine information from tournament data and from hands and there isn't a simple way to retrieve the total expected chips for a particular tournament and associate that with the buyin.