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Advanced filtering in reports

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2024 11:42 am
by nprodromidis
How can i use the #1st place# in advanced expressions ?
I want to be shown only the tournaments for example where i took 1st place.
Is there a tutorial for advanced filtering?

Re: Advanced filtering in reports

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:06 am
by Flag_Hippo
To filter for 1st place finishes you can use this expression filter in a custom report:

Code: Select all
tourney_results.val_finish = 1

You can use this expression filter by clicking on the 'Filters' link and selecting 'Add New Expression Filters'. You can see this expression if you go to 'Configure -> Statistics -> Columns' and look at the expression used for the val_finish column which is the database column that stores finish positions. There isn't a specific tutorial for filtering like this but it uses the same information used in database columns and you can learn more about that by referring to this guide on custom statistics creation and this guide goes into more detail. While the latter was written for PokerTracker 3 and the user interface is different the techniques still apply to PokerTracker 4. You will see in the guide most columns use additional formatting which are not required for filter expressions but you can extract the expression from columns like that to use in a custom filter with the method described here.

Re: Advanced filtering in reports

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:40 am
by nprodromidis
Thx for your response.
I tried the filter you mentioned on a new player report but it fails to load. It keeps on loading to no avail...
I also tried to use only the name of it as it is in the configure/stats i.e. " val_finish = 1" and again nothing happens even though it is accepted and validated.
The page its still loading even though the number of tournaments on the specific date window i used is very small. Also the stats i used to show are only Player and finish. So not sure why that is.

Re: Advanced filtering in reports

PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2024 9:41 am
by nprodromidis
A followup on this. Now it does work it is quite slow but it does it and the results are correct (verified the results). Very strange maybe it needed to load up on its first attempt and any followups are accelerated.

Re: Advanced filtering in reports

PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:22 am
by Flag_Hippo
There is a known issue that can slowdown these types of queries on certain configurations so please turn on 'Enable Logging' in PokerTracker 4 via 'Configure -> Options' and then restart PokerTracker 4. Next reproduce this issue by running the query and then attach your support bundle to a Support Ticket quoting reference #6715 so we can verify if that's the case here or not. The support bundle is created via the 'File -> Create Support Bundle' menu option in PokerTracker 4.