Filter - BB vs Button Limp ( without SB )

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Filter - BB vs Button Limp ( without SB )

Postby Ren59100 » Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:01 am

Everything is said in the title.
I've been trying to create this filter for 3 days and I can't find a solution.
Can someone help me on this please?

I'm on BB position, Button Limp first in, and SB folds.

Thank you for helping !
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Re: Filter - BB vs Button Limp ( without SB )

Postby Flag_Hippo » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:58 am

There isn't any built-in filter you can use for the position of callers/limpers but you can do this in a custom report with an expression filter:

Code: Select all
tourney_hand_summary.str_actors_p LIKE '0%' and tourney_hand_summary.str_actors_p NOT LIKE '09%' and tourney_hand_summary.str_aggressors_p NOT LIKE '80%'

You can use this expression filter by clicking on the 'Filters' link then selecting 'Add New Expression Filters' (substitute 'tourney' with 'cash' if you are in a cash report) and you will still need to use a built-in filter to specify your own position. This post has more information on how the actors and aggressors strings work if you want to filter for different situations.
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