% of three of a kind or AA in the flop

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% of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:06 am

in the Stats section, when I display all my stats by Session, I would like to have some stats like this (for each session):

% of times when having a pair in hand, I got three of a kind in the flop

% of times when having a AX in hand, I got Aces pair in the flop

It could be made for example, by hand, let's say if the situation is done (three of a kind having a pair in the first case) the stat for that hand is 100%. If I did not get it, 0% is the stat. Then by session could be just "summing" all the hands in a % way. It could imply, for each of both situations, to have two stats, one for hands, and the other for session.

Any idea on how to make it?


P.D.: with this stats I could start my final objective, which is something like how lucky/unliky I was when facing the flop with not made hands yet (low pairs, AXo, AXs, etc...). Because I could compare this stas with the mathematical probability to get it on the flop.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:42 am

Thinking a little bit more about it, I think that this stats could be created (with your help), but would only have sense If I create a Filter for both cases:
Hand is Pair & show FLOP
Hand is AX & show FLOP

And filtering by this created filter use the stats I ask you for.

If I do not custom the filter the final "% summing" would have no sense because most of the hands of the session will be folded preflop, so a 0% would be added and the final sum would not be what I am looking for.

The stats I ask you would, I think, require a previous Custom filter, and then they would have sense.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:47 am

Both options are valid - no custom filters are required if you go the filter route though. You can specify the hands you hold via the Hand Values -> Hole Card Range Selection, that you saw the flop via Actions and Opportunities -> Flop and your hand strength via Hand Values -> Made Hands and they all combine and will give you the hand strengths you want. That is certainly the easiest route for you.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:45 am

This is not exactly what I want.

I'll explain you something that I have alreaddy running. In the "Statitics" > "By Session" I created a stat called "Hole AA%". This stat was made first by an individual stat for each hand for "Hole cards are AA?", and then a % one for the sessions.

What I get with this is that in the Statistics > By Session list of sessions, apart from the number of Hnds, Currency won, VPIP, etc, etc, etc, I have one stat called "Hole AA%". That stat tells me the % of hands I got AA.
When I put my mouse over the title of this stat is displays "Hole cards are AA in % (Normal is 0.45%)", so I can see for every session if I had more times AA as hole cards than the probability whould expect (so for that session I was "lucky" regarding AA as hole cards), or less than expected (so for that session I was "unlucky" regarding AA as hole cards).
Also if the value is lower than 0.45 I display it in red colour, and if it is greater than 0.45 I display it in green color.

At the end of the list of sessions, there is a line for the TOTALS, which also gives me the % of times I was dealt AA as hole cards. So that if the number of sessions displayed is "All Dates" I can see this % for each session individual, but also a total for all times.

This gives me information of two kinds, first that the poker room is dealing me AA as hole cards as I would expect according to probability, but also gives me "something similiar" as how lucky I was in that session, so If I won a lot of money I can see that I had more AA than expected, so "don't get much exited" ;-), etc...
I attach you a picture of my "Hole AA%" for you to see better what I want with the other stats.


I want to have this same stats for what I told you, for each session: % of times that having a pair I went to flop and got three of kind, or the other one, having AX I go to FLOP and get a pair AA with the flop.

Can you help me with those stats?

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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby kraada » Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:13 am


The id_holecard value for all pairs are: 1, 26, 49, 70, 89, 106, 121, 134, 145, 154, 161, 166 and 169. You can test if a given pair of cards is in then by doing:
cash_hand_player_statistics.id_holecard in (1, 26, 49, 70, 89, 106, 121, 134, 145, 161, 166, 169)

You can test if you got to a flop with cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw and if you have a set by testing if cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_threeoak AND cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength >= 4

For your Ax hands if you want to include AA start at 1 if not start at 2 and go to 25. You can do it like this:
cash_hand_player_statistics.id_holecard between 1 and 25

and again you can test for seeing a flop and whatnot. If you have a pair on the flop cash_hand_player_combinations.flg_f_1pair is true. For top pair using one hole card (Ax hitting the A) also add cash_hand_player_combinations.val_f_hole_cards_used = 1 and cash_hand_player_combinations.id_f_hand_strength = 3.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:30 am


the function: cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw I think does not include the free play (it is, being in the Big Blind and nobody raises).

Hoy can I get a global function which shows me the times I saw the flop including the freeplay?
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:54 am

flg_f_saw is true whenever you saw a flop regardless of whether there was a raise or not. If you're in the big blind and check, that value is still true.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:25 am

Thant's tru regarding flg_f_saw, I have just tested it, in the hands statistics, but the function

cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw in the player stats does not behave the same.

I have this stat:

count(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 1, 0])

and I am 100% sure that it is giving me not counting the flops seen beeing in the BB and nobody raising.

In the session this stat the value for count(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_saw, 1, 0]) displayes a value of "3", but getting into the hands for that session, the number of "trues" for the function flg_f_saw is "9". And from those 9 "ture" only 3 are not in the BB

And this happens for more than one session. Please and a look at it.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby kraada » Thu Jul 26, 2012 11:03 am

I just did. You can test this yourself. Use the filters: Posted Big Blind and Preflop First Action Check. You'll see that the number there matches the number you get if you add Saw Flop. And that if you add NOT (Saw Flop) you'll get no hands.
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Re: % of three of a kind or AA in the flop

Postby socorrista5 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:26 pm

Ok, thanks
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