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Need a quick filter for hands played IP & OOP !

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 2:44 pm
by Costel
Hello !

I click on "Statistics" tab and then choose "Holdem Hand Range Visualizer" Report.
Here I want so badly these two "Quick filters":
1. Quick filter name: "Hands played IP";
By choosing it I will get filtered only those hands I played In Position (IP) versus any villain(s) (it doesn't matter his or their exactly name, important is only that hands must be played IP vs him or them).

2. Quick filter name: "Hands played OOP";
By choosing it I will get filtered only those hands I played Out Of Position (OOP) versus any villain(s) (it doesn't matter his or their exactly name, important is only that hands must be played OOP vs him or them).

Thank you so much !

Re: Need a quick filter for hands played IP & OOP !

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 4:06 pm
by kraada
Do you want it to be out of position for all streets, or just the flop?

These are fairly simple filters to add; click More Filters -> Hand Details -> Player Position. Pick your street and with Active Player relative to All Opponents (the default) click Is In Position or Is Out of Position in the bottom pane. That will active the filter and click Add to Filter. You can then save it as a QuickFilter if you'd like. via the Save as Quick Filter button.

Re: Need a quick filter for hands played IP & OOP !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 4:12 am
by Costel
I don't understand.
Here is where I stopped...

What to do next to be IP or OOP ?

What if I want to view all hands played IP or OOP on all streets ? What should I do ?

Thank you !

Re: Need a quick filter for hands played IP & OOP !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:56 am
by kraada
You're in the Preflop section - go back and go to any postflop section, which will show you what you want to see. For out of position if you make sure you're out of position on the river you'll be OOP for all streets, for in position if you make sure you're in position on the flop you'll be IP for all streets (if you think about it a moment, this will make sense, I promise!).