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Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:02 am
by harman187
Is there a way to create a stat that can divide one stat # by another?

I have both stats (2012 pokerstars vpp and obv, # of hands played)

Would somehow need to create another stat that simply divides vpp total by hands played so I can easily see how many are earned per hand instead of having to calculate them myself

Re: Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:33 am
by kraada
Of course there is! PT4 has a full custom stats interface that can easily handle things like this.

Click Configure --> Statistics to bring up the interface, and in the $ Player Stats section you can find your two stats on the left. The easiest thing to do is to start from the VPP stat and click the Duplicate button and make your changes from that.

To divide its value expression by # of hands, append:
/ cnt_hands

to the end of it. Then change the name, description, title and save your stat. That's all there is too it (the title is what appears in the header of the PT4 columns - if you make it much larger you may want to increase width too - but you can play with that to get it right).

Re: Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:18 am
by sensation
i can't find a VPP stat where kraada suggested.

There are "My Currency Rake Contributed" stats tho, do i need to calculate manually VPP from this? :/

i'm a newbie when it comes to custom stats (i use only the default stats) but i would like to have a vpp/hand stat too.

Can anyone explain in detail how to do it?

Re: Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:48 pm
by WhiteRider
You said that you already had "both stats (2012 pokerstars vpp and obv, # of hands played)", which suggested that you had already downloaded kraada's VPP Stats from the Warehouse. If you haven't, then you can get them from the Download Warehouse. Once you've imported them (click Options > Import in the Configure > Statistics window) you'll be able to follow the rest of kraada's directions.

Re: Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 12:57 pm
by sensation
WhiteRider wrote:You said that you already had "both stats (2012 pokerstars vpp and obv, # of hands played)", which suggested that you had already downloaded kraada's VPP Stats from the Warehouse. If you haven't, then you can get them from the Download Warehouse. Once you've imported them (click Options > Import in the Configure > Statistics window) you'll be able to follow the rest of kraada's directions.

Thank you, i didn't know where to download it.

and i didn't say that i had both stats, because OP is a different person, i was just reading forum and saw someone else had already created the topic about VPP/hand

thanks again for help

Re: Calculation 2012 pokerstars VPP/hand

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:33 pm
by WhiteRider
Ah, sorry - I didn't notice that! :oops: