Bet turn after flop c/r and more

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Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby lucarelli » Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:11 pm

Hi guys, it's my very first time creating a custom stat, it's very confusing in the beginning so I ask for your help.

Some stats for HUD i would like to create :

Villain bets the turn after he c/r flop

How often villain calls a river overbet (more than 100% pot)

How often villain overbets river

Thank you, happy to join the PT community.
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby kraada » Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:36 pm

Welcome, we're always looking for more enterprising stat builders!

There's some useful background in this post. Our PT3 guide for custom statistics is here. Some of the details have changed but the general process is similar.
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby lucarelli » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:30 pm

Hi, i've been trying to figure out the code in which to write the stats but it's very confusing in the beginning.

For betting turn after check-raising the flop : What i dont understand is how do i tell the program to calculate the amount of times a person bet the turn IF he c/r flop

((cnt_t_bet / (cnt_t_bet + cnt_t_check)) * 100 + (cnt_f_check_raise / cnt_f_check_raise_opp) * 100)

And for counting the amount of time a player has Overbet the river : I can't get this one to validate, but I followed the link and it was written in this manner but "val_f_bet_made"

sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.val_r_bet_made_pct BETWEEN 100 and 900, 1, 0])

Help is very appreciated
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby kraada » Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:03 pm

For betting a turn after check/raising the flop you want to build a new column constructed like this:
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check and cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_raise > 0 and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_bet, 1, 0])

That adds one for each time the player check/raised the flop and bet the turn. For the opportunity to open, substitute flg_t_open_opp for flg_t_bet and you're good to go.

Regarding your second column that validates for me. Make sure you're in the Columns area for cash games (not tournaments) and it should work (I just copied and pasted it in).
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby sp00ky » Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:16 pm

can you put the "c/r flop bet turn" stat to the download warehouse please?
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby sp00ky » Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:11 pm

yes? no?
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby sp00ky » Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:39 am

need help with the c/r flop bet turn stat .want it to show up in percent. I don´t really know how to create it.
I created a colum called "cnt_t_bet_after_f_check_raise" with this expression "sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check and cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_raise > 0 and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_bet, 1, 0]) " summary type "count". Then I made a stat with value expression "cnt_t_bet_after_f_check_raise" Format type "none" and summary Type "same as format". Is this right so far?
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:38 pm

Your "actions" column looks OK.
Now you need an "opportunities" column to go with it so that you can work out the percentage of times a player took the action.

I assume the opportunity you want would be the opportunity to bet the turn after check/raising the flop, so that would be:

cnt_t_bet_after_f_check_raise_opp =
sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_f_check and cash_hand_player_statistics.cnt_f_raise > 0 and cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_t_open_opp, 1, 0])

Then your stat expression is:

(cnt_t_bet_after_f_check_raise / cnt_t_bet_after_f_check_raise_opp) * 100

The Tutorial: Custom Reports and Statistics was written for PT3 but explains the process of building stats and PT4 works in basically the same way so this should get you started with the general structure. Also check out how the built-in stats are made - nearly all the "percentage" stats are built in the same way and once you get the structure it's just a case of picking the correct database fields to use, which you seem to have a handle on, and if you can't find what to use we're here to help.
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby sp00ky » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:06 pm

Thanx so far.but In the statistics Tab is written in red "This stat needs Categories" what does this mean? I read the tutorial but I don´t understand what to do there.
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Re: Bet turn after flop c/r and more

Postby WhiteRider » Sat Sep 01, 2012 4:58 pm

Each stat can be assigned to one or more categories to help you find it more easily, and to activate preflop and postflop positional Hud options.
It won't actually stop your stat working, but if you want to set up categories click on the Details tab where you can write a detailed description and configure categories if you like.
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