stat filtered on x last hands

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stat filtered on x last hands

Postby js2002 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:07 am

Is this possible?
f.e. making a new stat "3bet preflop last x hands"
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Re: stat filtered on x last hands

Postby WhiteRider » Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:51 am

That isn't possible in a stat, but you can filter the Hud for the last X hands via Hud > Edit Hud Options > General Settings. Bear in mind that this affects all stats in the Hud and prevents use of the cache so has performance implications in large databases and complex Huds.

It would be possible to make a custom stat based on a time period (last X days, for example) but again these won't be cached so have performance implications.
Should you want to do that you can include something like this in your expressions:

cash_hand_summary.date_played > (now() - interval '7 days')
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