I meant 4.05.2 yes. Please upgrade to that version and see if it helps.
To build the stat go into Configure --> Configure Statistics. If you play tournaments choose T at the top left to change to tournaments. Otherwise stay in cash ($) and make sure you're in the Player Stats area.
Search for VPIP and click on it in the left side. Click the Duplicate button. Change the name and description as you want. Title is what appears in reports in PT4 when you add this stat - change it and width to what you want (width is how wide the column starts out by default - you can always change it later if you need to).
The Value Expression reads:
(cnt_vpip / (cnt_hands - cnt_walks)) * 100
Change it to:
100 - ((cnt_vpip / (cnt_hands - cnt_walks)) * 100)
Change Format Type to Number in the drop down on the bottom. Switch to Details and change the information there that needs changing - that stuff is all up to you though if you don't change it, it won't hurt anything.
Save your stat, click OK. Now you're good to go