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Call 2Bet PF >=5BB

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:22 pm
by philip77

Could you please help me to build a stats which will be the percentage a player called a 2Bet Preflop when facing a 2Bet greater or equal to 5 big blinds. Of course for this stat we won't take into account any 2Bet that is strictly lower than 5 BB.



Re: Call 2Bet PF >=5BB

PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:48 pm
by kraada
Hi Philip - are you familiar with custom stat building at all? If so, you can duplicate the columns for Call PF 2Bet and insert into them the expression:

AND cash_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_2bet_facing >= 5 * cash_limit.amt_bb

and that will do what you want. Then use those columns in a new stat and you'll be good to go.

If you're not familiar with custom stat building, tell me how much of that made sense and I'll elaborate for you :)

Re: Call 2Bet PF >=5BB

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:48 am
by philip77
Thank you.
That was what I needed.
