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Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:15 pm
by SS24
Whether there is a possibility to filter HU SNG tournaments with changeable levels blinds, from HU SNG tournaments with unchangeable levels blinds.

Re: Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:50 am
by WhiteRider
Do you mean that you have some tournaments where the blinds don't increase regardless of how long you play?

Those won't be separated automatically, but you could add a new tournament description for them if you like.
You would need to add the description and change the type of these tournaments manually.
Go to View Stats > Tournaments > Results and click the Edit Tournament Results button in the sidebar.

In the window that opens select one of these tournaments.
Click the spanner/wrench icon to the right of the "Desc:" selector and choose Add Description.
In the text field at the bottom you can add whatever text you like to the description, so you could add a code to the end of the name to use for these tournaments. (e.g. add "ULB" to the end for Unchangeable Levels Blinds, or whatever you want)
Click 'Add' to save your new description.


You can now select the tournaments of this type with shift-click or control-click and change the description.

EDIT: I just remembered that unfortunately the filter for specific tournament types isn't in place yet.
I have reminded the development team about this, but in the meantime adding your own text like that won't allow you to filter for these tournaments.

What would work is to use one of the built-in flags for a type of tournament which you never play. For example, if you never played at Full Tilt you could tick the "MATRIX" option instead of typing. Alternatively if you never play push-or-fold tournaments you could tick "POF".
This will allow you to filter for that flag.

Re: Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:14 am
by SS24
WhiteRider wrote:Do you mean that you have some tournaments where the blinds don't increase regardless of how long you play?

Yes, such tournaments.
2012-09-26 11 10 50.png

WhiteRider wrote:What would work is to use one of the built-in flags for a type of tournament which you never play. For example, if you never played at Full Tilt you could tick the "MATRIX" option instead of typing. Alternatively if you never play push-or-fold tournaments you could tick "POF".
This will allow you to filter for that flag.

Unfortunately by means of data flags to divide tournaments it is impossible, as both kinds of tournaments have identical flags.

Re: Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:16 pm
by WhiteRider
Yes, you would need to set the flags manually for those tournaments.

If you attach example hand history files for both types of tournaments to a Support Ticket with a link to this thread I'll discuss this with the development team and see if it may be possible to flag them separately.

Re: Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:31 pm
by SS24
Ticket 127569

Re: Filter HU SNG tournaments

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:39 pm
by WhiteRider
Thanks - we'll get back to you via your ticket.