I got this idea that WTSD is not really a good indicator of the showdown-boundness of a player. The reason being that it includes the cases when a player has seen showdown "free", i.e. just checked through all streets. Or maybe bet flop and gotten called and then the turn and river were checked down. In other words, the player went to showdown WITHOUT facing resistance. Basically, if a player limps preflop and then gets to see free showdown when every street just gets checked through OR a player raises preflop and then calls three streets of bets to see showdown will get the same WTSD-value, although I'd consider the second player to be much more showdown-bound. Obviously we can't tell what the first player would have done on a single hand when facing a bet/raise, but after more samples the difference would become clear.
I'd like to fix this and create a better stat that would be something like "WTSD when facing resistance". Basically it would be 100% if the player is always calling all bets/raises that are asked of him. And obviously 0% when the player is never going to see the showdown when having to pay anything, maybe limiting that to postflop.
Am I making sense? Is my analysis of WTSD correct?
How would you approach making such a stat?