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Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:32 am
by Succeed1337
Hey I`m looking for a stat that tells me how often opponents fold to a 4bet after they 3bettet a steal. Also the Number of hands that happened would be nice so I know the samplesize. I pretty much tried everything but dont get it to work or my number doesnt seem to satisfying :D

I`m pretty much a noob so if you give me an expressionfilter possibly give it to me so I just can copypaste it in -_-

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:11 am
by kraada
The best way to do this is to start with our Fold to PF 4Bet After 3Bet stat and build from there.

Click Configure -> Statistics and search for that stat, click on it and click Duplicate.

You can see its value expression has two columns:

Change to the columns page (we'll come back here later to edit the new stat we want) and search for these (the easiest way to search is for after_3b).

Duplicate these columns, change the name and in both cases you want to add one clause: AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp - so it'd look like this:

sum(if[cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_p_3bet AND cash_hand_player_statistics.enum_p_4bet_action = 'F' AND cash_hand_player_statistics.flg_blind_def_opp, 1, 0])

(You can figure out the other one.)

The names need to be at least a little different and the description you can change or not as you like. Once these are saved, go back to the Stats page and change your duplicated stat - you'll want to change name, description and title to reflect the data you want to see. Change the value expression to use your new column names. Save your stat and you're good to go.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:41 pm
by Succeed1337
Ok got it working, at moment I got a database of 125k Hands(Gotta import my old one).

I tried to add the following simplefilters:

Buyin between 1.6 -100
Effectivestacksize 23-27bb
------------------------------------- working till here

2betsizing (2 - 2.5 bb)

and I get no results, I´m obviously 100% confident I encountered this situation more than 100 times prolly like 1k times.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:27 pm
by kraada
I think you're underestimating how quickly that will filter down to no hands. That stat should work with any of our other filters without any problems.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 8:45 pm
by Succeed1337
I just checked again, no matter how large I chose as 3betsizing in the simplefilters I dont get any results... so there must be a bug.


Ok just bruteforced my way when I use "Preflop Bet Sizing" for the 2bet and then for the 3bet "Preflop actions encountered with Results I get some hands.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 9:40 pm
by Succeed1337
Srsly driving me insane:

I want to know how often People fold when they 3bet with Stacksizes between 24-28 bb to a 4bet while the 3bet is like 4-6bb big, later maybe filtered for the position.


Buyinfilter 1.65 - 100 works
Effective Stacksize 24-28 bb works( At lease I hope so)


If I chose Preflopbetsizing for 3bet 4-6bb I get 501 Hands.

If I chose Preflop Actions Encountered with Betsizing 4-6 BB I get 1050 Hands.

For me it sounds like it`s the same stat.

So now I wanted to see how many 4bets there were in this scenario so I put in "Any 4bet"(Actions and Opp --> Preflop Raises --> Any 4bet)


70 Hands, might be Right I dont know, seems a bit low. So I looked up "foldet to 4bet"(Actions and Opp --> Preflop folds --> Folded to 4bet)


1 Hand 1 out of 70 times, like Really? Nah, might be a small samplesize but thats like really unlikely like 1 out of 10000000 times this might be true.

So I used the other filter:

Where I get 500 Hands as 3betting try the filter with any 4bet NO RESULT, I do folded to 4bet I get 32 hands.

So when I do "Faced allin"(With the encountered filter) which should do pretty much the same as 4bet(Most of the time at least a 4bet here will be an allin) I`ll get 144Hands and then fold to allin I get 80 Hands. So now I sould have 64 Hands where somebody called an allin? So under preflopcalls - Went allin I get as a Result:

108 Hands ......................

So now when I put in Faced Allin and Went allin, I should get 108 Hands shouldn`t I ? I get 56 ... so either PT4 is really bugged or I dont understand shit.

edit: I know checked what comes out with faced allin and raised allin, its 11 Hands so not matter how the numbers dont add up.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:38 am
by kraada
The filters in Actions and Opportunities are always from your perspective, not from the perspective of any player.

If I chose Preflopbetsizing for 3bet 4-6bb I get 501 Hands.

If I chose Preflop Actions Encountered with Betsizing 4-6 BB I get 1050 Hands.

are definitely different. In the first case, you made a 3bet to 4-6bb. This happened 501 times. But you faced a raise of 4-6BB 1050 times (which may be a 2bet or a 3bet, I don't know exactly what you picked).

When you made a raise to a certain size it's not the same as when someone else made a raise to that same size! And if you 4bet and face a 4bet+ that means you 4bet and faced a 5bet - that is going to be pretty rare (and it doesn't surprise me to see that happen just once out of 70 times, given that you can 4bet shove and he can fold to your 4bet).

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:32 am
by Succeed1337
Well I appreciate your Help.

But, I did an all players report and excluded my Screennames with Expressionfilters. Do I still get Results from me? I obviously want avg. populationresults and my actions would change the results quite a bit I think.

Anyways I give up as I have no idea how each stat works. Quite depressing not being able to find something when you exactly know what you want to find.

Re: Fold to 4bet after 3bet steal

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:03 am
by WhiteRider
Succeed1337 wrote:I tried to add the following simplefilters:

Buyin between 1.6 -100
Effectivestacksize 23-27bb
------------------------------------- working till here

2betsizing (2 - 2.5 bb)

and I get no results, I´m obviously 100% confident I encountered this situation more than 100 times prolly like 1k times.

I may be missing something here, but a player can't 2Bet and 3Bet in the same street, so this filter will never return any hands regardless of the sizes you choose.

When you create an 'All Players' report the filters are applied to all players, but the set of filters must be true for a single player, so if you're using a filter like that above it still won't work.
You would need to use an action filter for one of the bets and a 'faced action' filter for the other, depending on which way round you're looking at the situation.
