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Displaying a Custom stat Daily/ Weekly in MY REPORTS

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:00 am
by pt4pt4pt4
If I have a custom stat that generates numbers (example Expected BB WON), can I have that custom stat displayed in a daily or weekly total in MY REPORTS, line by line and summed up for the day?

Monday Nov 1 23 BB
Tuesday Nov 2 78 BB

and so on ....

Would like to take the report and then create a graph in my spreadsheet.

Re: Displaying a Custom stat Daily/ Weekly in MY REPORTS

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:29 am
by kraada
You don't need a custom stat for that - you just want to add the grouping stats that group by day. The stat for that is Date. Once you add that to your report, everything else will group by date (so you could just add for example All-In Equity Adjusted BB and it would be broken out for you automagically).

Re: Displaying a Custom stat Daily/ Weekly in MY REPORTS

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 4:43 pm
by pt4pt4pt4
kraada wrote:You don't need a custom stat for that - you just want to add the grouping stats that group by day. The stat for that is Date. Once you add that to your report, everything else will group by date (so you could just add for example All-In Equity Adjusted BB and it would be broken out for you automagically).

If I have DATE and the All-In Equity Adjusted BB as the only two stats, then it displays every hand in a separate line with the adj bb. Problem is that each day is not summed up in one value as example above.

I have Nov1 and then 22 lines of adj BB, Nov2 and then 15 lines of adj BB, and so on.

Each hand has it's separate line.

Re: Displaying a Custom stat Daily/ Weekly in MY REPORTS

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:09 am
by WhiteRider
Did you create a Hands report or a Player report?
It's grouping correctly for me using just those stats in a Player report.

Re: Displaying a Custom stat Daily/ Weekly in MY REPORTS

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 9:38 am
by pt4pt4pt4
WhiteRider wrote:Did you create a Hands report or a Player report?
It's grouping correctly for me using just those stats in a Player report.

Yes that was my mistake, works great ty.
