Reports by "Amount Contributed to Pot"

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Reports by "Amount Contributed to Pot"

Postby Gstars » Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:34 pm


Can you help me to create report by winning or lost by grouping by "Amount Contributed to Pot" filter?
I want the same report like "Preflop Stack Size" report, but instead of "Preflop Stack Size" filter i want to replace it with "Amount Contributed to Pot" filter.
Let's say i want to group by:
0 bbs < Amount Contributed to Pot <= 10 bbs
10 bbs < Amount Contributed to Pot <= 20 bbs
... etc.
For make it clear i made screenshot(sorry for my paint skills :) )

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Re: Reports by "Amount Contributed to Pot"

Postby WhiteRider » Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:23 am

To do that you would need to make a custom stat, in the same style as the "Preflop Stack Size" stat that you're looking at.
Make copies of the stat and the column it uses (val_p_stack_size) by clicking Duplicate and replace 'tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_before' with 'tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_bet_ttl'.

Check out the Custom Stats Guide to help you get started.
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