Filtering for raise size

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Filtering for raise size

Postby Zangeeph » Mon Nov 26, 2012 10:51 pm

I want to use an expression filter in PT4 that lets me filter according to raise size and position.

Here is what my filter looks like so far

tourney_hand_player_statistics.id_hand in (SELECT thps.id_hand from tourney_hand_player_statistics thps where thps.flg_p_first_raise and thps.position = 0 and thps.amt_bet_p BETWEEN 48.00 and 92.00)

The idea is that it filters hands where the button raises between 48 and 92 as his first raise. I just want to know if this filter is correct. I think it wont work because of how amt_bet_p works. If the btn raised to 10, the sb reraised to 20 then the btn raised to 60 and sb calls, am i correct in thinking that amt_bet_p would be stored as 60 for the btn and thus counting this hand even though i didnt want it to be counted?
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Re: Filtering for raise size

Postby kraada » Tue Nov 27, 2012 10:06 am

amt_bet_p is the total amount of money put in on a street.

You want instead tourney_hand_player_statistics.amt_p_raise_made - which is the total amount the first raise was made to (not by - so if the big blind was 100 and you raised to 300, amt_p_raise_made = 300).
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