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Report to show hand strength of the river cbettor

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:44 pm
by NikTheGreek

I would like some help on a report.
I want to see a list of hands where the preflop raiser (not the active player but ANY player that raised preflop) cbet the flop, turn and river.
Furthermore I want a column with the river hand strength of the preflop raiser.

Thanks in advance

Re: Report to show hand strength of the river cbettor

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:28 am
by WhiteRider
Go to the My Reports page and create a new Hand report.
Click the blue Filters link and choose the 'Expression Filters' option. Untick 'Filter on Active Player' and click OK. This will show all hands from all players point of view.
Click the blue Filters link again and choose 'Simple Filters'. Add the filters you're interested in - in this case you only need to filter for CBet River (because you can only CBet the river if you CBet the turn, and you can only CBet the turn if you CBet the flop).
The default Hand report should include the hand strength.

Re: Report to show hand strength of the river cbettor

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:07 pm
by NikTheGreek
aah there you go... I was looking for that "Filter on Active Player" option. Not sure why it is so hidden.
