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Stat to display Number Hands at specific stake?
Sun Dec 02, 2012 4:58 pm
by pt4pt4pt4
I know i can filter stakes through quick filter but I would like to have the total number hands at each stake displayed in the CONFIGURE REPORT option, along with my Quick Filter stats / hands. Assuming I add a custom stat?
So If I am filtering for number of aces reraised preflop, I would also like to see the number of hands total at the stake level. Frequency indicator.
Re: Stat to display Number Hands at specific stake?
Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:43 am
by kraada
If you add the Stake statistic to your reports that will break things down into one row per stake (like the reports that group by Stake). If you already have groupings (e.g. by hole cards), they will duplicate once per stake (e.g. AA $1NL, AA $.50NL, AA $.25NL etc).
Re: Stat to display Number Hands at specific stake?
Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:19 pm
by pt4pt4pt4
Let's say thati want to Filter my DB for all the times that I had called with AA in BTN, raised from SB, and Re-raised All-In by UTG limper.
Now this situation doesn't happen frequently and if I use this filter in My Reports with the Stake option, I will get something like:
Player____ Cwon_____Hands___Stake
PT4PT4___ $10.09____2________$0.10
PT4PT4___ $2.09_____1________$0.50
But this does not give me total number of hands at each Stake unfiltered. I could manually remove the Filters, writes down the Total Hands at each stake, and then calculate a frequency using division.
Would prefer to have that value posted beside each stake level in My Report.
Player____ Cwon_____Hands___Stake_____Total Hands At Each Stake
PT4PT4___ $10.09____2________$0.10_____ 018,349
PT4PT4___ $2.09_____1________$0.50_____ 223,876
Re: Stat to display Number Hands at specific stake?
Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:28 pm
by kraada
Due to the way our reports system works, it will not be possible to build a statistic that does that I'm afraid.