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Filter allin EV

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:00 pm
by MasterJ09
Hello there

I'm using Pokertracker 4.05.9 and I just can't seem to find a filter to display my allin equity. I want to feel sorry bout myself and filter how much I am running under EV, chipwise. Is there such a way to filter this.
BTW I'm playing only MTT, and 90% of the time 180s entrants tourneys on pokerstars.
On another note, is there such a way to filter the 180s tourneys in my stats? Sometimes they are listed as MTT turbo, SNG turbo or Stt multitable or something. Fact is, can't display my results from the 180s in a clean filter.

THANKS a lot!

Greetings and kind regards

Re: Filter allin EV

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:20 pm
by kraada
You can see how you do compared to chip EV on the graphs by checking the "Display All-in Equity" checkbox.

To filter to 180 man tournaments go into More Filters -> Game Details -> Tournament Tables and check 20 Table Tournaments.

Re: Filter allin EV

PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:53 am
by MasterJ09
Oh my, now I feel pretty stupid. Didn't find the graphs-tab and was looking into the other tabs all the way. Thanks sir for the tip. Now I can confirm my sadness by the -1million chip ev last month.

Thanks heaps!